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Change Notes 5/5/2013

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Change Notes 5/5/2013 Empty Change Notes 5/5/2013

Post by ElectraGear Sun May 05, 2013 7:48 am

These notes will cover everything changed in the last maintenance.
New forums have been added. They are the following:
- The Art Plaza
- Graphics Corner
- Drawing Court
- Forum Updates

The forum's theme and color scheme has changed.
- The buttons and menus have changed in color and look.
- New custom ranks for users have been added. Request your own be made in the new Graphics Corner forum!
- - These new ranks do nothing but look nice, and are customized for yourself. They do not give you any special - - permissions.
- Some people's ranks have been changed. This is not a big issue, don't worry.

That is all this maintenance, please enjoy the changes made.

Change Notes 5/5/2013 Newsitemasterlogo

Posts : 151
Join date : 2013-05-04
Age : 24
IGN : ElectraGear, Kenaka, SpiritMagic


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